Feel like I’m sliding

I just re-read my last post, and I’m in my third and last week with my daughter. I’m so glad I could come. I’ve never been able to visit this long with her. But the toll it has taken on my exercise routine and healthier eating can’t be described as anything less than ginormous. I’m really worried what it will be like getting back to workouts, and ESPECIALLY getting back to boot camps. I may need to ease back into that, depending on how I do with just regular training. Sleep deprivation has been pretty significant during this time. The stress of chaos with several small children. I never mentioned that my daughter’s sister-in-law and husband, as well as 3 year old son who also appears to have some serious signs of possible Asberger’s syndrome, live with them right now. The crying and verbal pandemonium is pretty hard on me, and stress leads to bad eating for me. At the same time, I know she needs much more help for the long term, and I wish I could do more. The altitude here is quite a bit higher than Eugene, too. I feel short of breath fairly often without doing a whole lot to get that way. I know that will disappear, but altitude has never bothered me before. I haven’t even been able to weigh myself this whole time. I don’t think I’ve gained or lost really, but it does worry me just a little. I’m a lot more worried about the deconditioning and having to rebuild what I may have lost there.

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